

Kamis, 05 Juli 2012

TapinRadio 1.57.3

TapinRadio adalah radio pemain internet gratis dan perekam radio internet. TapinRadio adalah radio internet player yang mendukung format radio Internet utama seperti mp3, wma, ogg vorbis, aac +, dan dapat merekam juga. Termasuk pencarian cepat, switching mulus antara stasiun, dan timer tidur untuk TapinRadio shutdown atau bahkan komputer Anda.

TapinRadio features:
- Plenty of stations to choose from
- Supports most of the internet radio formats – mp3, wma, ogg vorbis, aac+ and so on
- Quick and reliable search
- Smooth switching between stations
- Record what you are listening to – including separate song files
- Automatic checking for software and stations
- Runs on Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7 (32 and 64 bit)
- Show your favorites in groups
- Sleep timer to shutdown TapinRadio or even your computer!

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